This episode’s guest is dating and love coach Maria Spears. Maria has helped hundreds of men and women find the love and life that they strive for. Our focus today is on dating after 50, particularly dating after divorce.
In episode 11 of the Gray Divorce Podcast, we speak with David Smith about what is special about Military Divorce. We learn that timing is very important! Military divorce is famous for its specialized terms. Here's a brief summary of each.
Now you're divorced. You can relax. You can breathe easy. Dip your toes in the sand. OK, that's all good. But there's still work to do. Here are 17 items
that need to be taken care of after your divorce to make sure your post-divorce financial planning is in order.
Episode nine of The Gray Divorce Podcast deals with the topic of lifestyle analysis. Lifestyle analysis is a very useful tool for divorce attorneys in cases where one party has a substantial claim for spousal support. Essentially, the lifestyle analysis establishes the standard of living of a couple in marriage.
In this episode, I chat with Amy Ginsburg, a retirement and career coach based in Olympia, WA. Amy also happens to have experienced gray divorce. So we'll be chatting about retirement and career change as it applies to mid to late-life divorce.
In this episode I offer an abridged version of my presentation: The 11 Things To Do Now in Divorce. This presentation is periodically presented at the Wiser Divorce Workshop that I host in Las Vegas where we provide divorce advice. The workshop usually features me talking about the financial aspects of divorce, which are covered in this presentation, and a family law attorney dealing with the legal aspects of divorce.
In this episode I discuss why we have such difficulty keeping New Year's resolutions. I also discuss three resolutions in the form of actions that you might want to think about after emerging from a mid or late life divorce. And know that none of these resolutions actually needs to begin on January 1st!
In this episode, I interview Rebecca Miller, a family law attorney based in Las Vegas. Rebecca has over 35 years’ experience in the practice of family law. She and I have worked together on many divorce cases with Rebecca taking the lead on the legal aspects of the case and myself working on the divorce finances. Rebecca is also a regular legal contributor to the Wiser Divorce Workshop, an educational seminar I host periodically in Las Vegas.
This 4th episode deals with the subject of personal growth after mid to late life divorce.
In this episode I deal with Social Security and divorce and how important it is for late life divorcees to maximize their Social Security benefits after divorce.
This episode offers the proverbial 30,000-foot view of gray divorce.
I am interviewed by digital entrepreneur and wellness advocate Nicole Brodie and we discuss a lot of issues surrounding the rise in gray divorce.
Hi everyone! This is the first episode of the Gray Divorce podcast.
Let's start with the why. Why am I doing this podcast?
Well, as you might have guessed I'm familiar with gray divorce personally. I went through my first, and hopefully last divorce, at the age of 51. It was finalized a day after my 52nd birthday. I learned a lot from the experience: personally, financially, emotionally, psychologically. I am determined to help others not only learn from my mistakes but benefit from some of the tools, practices, mindsets, and experiences that have helped me enjoy an increasingly satisfying, purposeful life after divorce.